Enhanced guest experience elevates California hotel

A California hotel used our guest experience score to boost visibility and competitiveness, with remarkable results.


guest experience score improvement*


revenue growth on Expedia Group*


booking volume*

Challenge: Leverage the guest experience score

The hotel already had a culture centred around customer service, but the introduction of Expedia Group’s guest experience score presented a new challenge. At this California hotel, the team sought to ensure that their rankings accurately reflected their dedication to providing the best-possible guest experience. They recognised the importance of maintaining visibility and competitiveness within the Expedia Group marketplace, and approached that goal in a variety of ways.

Solution: Teamwork, real-time feedback and strategy.

The team implemented a multi-faceted approach to address the challenge and optimise their guest experience score—including fostering teamwork, implementing real-time feedback monitoring and focusing on specific areas of improvement.


To encourage continuous progress and allow successful practices to be shared and replicated, teams participated in a healthy competition at several properties in the hotel’s chain. For three months, they tracked growth with snapshots of in-house feedback, post-stay review response times and response rates across the portfolio.


By leveraging the partner extranet and email alerts, this hotel also stayed on top of guest feedback in real time. This proactive approach enabled prompt responses to guest concerns and showcased their commitment to guest satisfaction.


And, by utilising the breakdown of the guest experience score, they were also able to identify specific areas that required improvement. By pinpointing these areas—such as breakfast service and cleanliness—the team could direct their efforts effectively and enhance the overall guest experience.

Guest experience score cards highlight opportunities for improvement so you can easily identify what actions you can take to have the greatest impact.

‘The guest experience score is a great way for us as a team to hold each other accountable. We can look at different aspects of our operations, and it’s made it easier for us to keep track of where we need to step up.’

Assistant general manager

Results: An exceptional guest experience for all

The dedicated efforts of this hotel to enhance guest experiences and prioritise the guest experience score yielded results across the board.


Utilising their three-tiered approach, they saw an 18% (12-point) increase in their guest experience score, raising it from 70 to 82 in five months.


By strategically focusing on guest satisfaction, they also saw a remarkable 25% growth in revenue on Expedia Group—an increase in both actual bookings and over-the-books (OTB) that demonstrated the correlation between guest satisfaction and financial success.


Plus, through their relentless pursuit of guest satisfaction across the board, this California hotel witnessed a substantial increase in bookings of 55% and a 35% rise in search views.


One core message continues to ring true: a focus on guest experience can lead to more visibility, higher bookings and, more importantly, happier guests.

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