Gain access to best-in-class technology and solutions to elevate the traveller experience at every point in their journey.
Discover why the world’s best brands partner with us
See how United Airlines uses our suite of best-in-class technology and solutions to help drive growth across every aspect of their business.
Distribute your inventory
Grow your reach with access to hundreds of millions of high-value travellers at every stage of their booking journey. Whether your business lists holiday homes, hotel rooms, cars, airline seats, cruises or travel activities, we can bring you more of the travellers you want.
average daily visitors across our sites and apps.¹
net room nights booked last year.²
miles travelled last year.³
Build your travel experience
Join the 60,000+ businesses that work with us to offer travel to their customers. Whether you’re looking for a powerful API, a simplified booking tool for travel agencies and advisors, or a customised end-to-end booking experience, we can help you power your business with best-in-class tech.
‘By collaborating with Expedia Group, we are now marketing one of the largest hotel portfolios in the B2B market nationwide, and our sales volume has grown to put us in the top three businesses in the segment.’
Advertise with us
Attract travellers at every stage of their journey with powerful advertising that helps you stand out from the competition. We offer highly targeted, customised creative campaigns tailored to your objectives—and your budget.
Explore our affiliate programme
Start earning commissions immediately with access to travel brands and deals your audience will love. It’s simple to use and seamless to set up.
Explore solutions by industry
¹Expedia Group internal data, 2023, identified and anonymous visitors
²Expedia Group earnings, Q4 2023
³Expedia Group internal data, 2022
⁴BLinkup internal data
⁵Expedia Group and Hawaiian Airlines data, 2021-2022