Expedia Cruises provides adventure for guests with Expedia TAAP

Expedia Cruises, an independently owned travel agency that specialises in cruise holidays and uses Expedia TAAP to offer accommodation, ground transfers and activities.


booking growth.*


growth in activity sales.*


of total revenue is from activity sales.*

Challenge: Scale up activity and tour inventory

Expedia Cruises has many travellers who prefer prepaying for their entire trip in local currency and having pre-arranged activities such as excursion adventures, theme park visits and other tourism events. Expedia Cruises was looking for access to a wide variety of activities in all of their key destinations, with highly competitive rates and attractive margins. As a small team of nine travel consultants, they also required an easy-to-use platform to maintain efficiency.

A young person enjoying surfing lessons

Solution: Expedia TAAP for cruise travel agencies

Through the Expedia Travel Agent Affiliate Programme (Expedia TAAP), Expedia Cruises gained access to more than 220,000 in-demand activities across all of its key markets. Whether booking a tour of the Alhambra in Spain or surfing lessons in San Diego, travellers were able to find and book activities in under two minutes. Not only do travel consultants earn more, but their travellers also appreciate having activities pre-booked at competitive rates in local currency and enjoy how convenient the activity vouchers are to redeem.

Results: Expedia Cruises boosts revenue through activity sales

Expedia Cruises has been using Expedia TAAP for over eight years, but it wasn’t until 2019 that they began selling activities. Since then, agents have been successful at upselling activities simply by asking for the sale. They are on track to exceed 80% total booking growth and 450% activity booking growth. More than 15% of total revenue is from activity sales.

Join Expedia TAAP today 

*Expedia Group internal data, 2019

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