Our most comprehensive travel rewards program, ever.

With the ability to earn and redeem rewards across Expedia®,™, and Vrbo™, travelers get flexibility — and you get increased demand. All at no additional cost to you.*

One rewards program, endless partner benefits

One Key members get the freedom to earn and redeem awards on every eligible part of the trip experience. It’s a reward strategy that benefits travelers and unlocks more for your business.

Learn how One Key helps you reach travelers who book more often, stay longer, and spend more.

More demand

The simplicity of the program gives travelers the flexibility to earn and redeem rewards through Expedia,, and Vrbo. By attracting even more travelers to become members and to book through our well-loved travel brands, we’re creating more demand for you.

More high-value travelers

You’ll always attract those valuable travelers who book more often, spend more, stay longer, and cancel less because One Key members must qualify annually — they’re not automatically granted lifetime membership like some other travel rewards programs.

More investment in you

Expedia Group funds the cost of OneKeyCash™, the rewards currency that members earn and redeem on eligible trip elements. Unlike other travel rewards programs, we cover that cost so it doesn’t impact your revenue strategy.

One Key members deliver unmatched value

Our travel rewards program members are the high-value travelers you want. They travel often, spend more, and love booking with our partners again and again.


the gross bookings per customer**


the gross profit per customer**


the repeat business**

Hear from Sandor Winkler of Villa Group as he shares his experience with One Key.

Creating demand for you, our partners.

While you don’t have to take any action to benefit from One Key, there are tactics you can use to attract even more members, putting you firmly in charge of your revenue strategy.


One Key can help your property attract those high-value members who travel more often, stay longer, and spend more per booking. Maximize your marketing spend by using our hotel marketing tools to find those ideal travelers looking to book their next trip.

Marketing tools that drive results for your property

Use a combination of discounts, perks, and special badging to attract the ideal guests.

Members Only Deals

Ensure high-value members get high-value incentives by tailoring different offers to the different member tiers: Blue, Silver, Gold, and Platinum.

VIP Access™

Properties in this exclusive partner program stand out with a VIP Access badge that tells travelers you provide exceptional service and special benefits for One Key members.

Value-add promotions

Adding something extra like a free breakfast or spa credit is a great way to entice members to book your property without offering a discount.

Vacation rentals

One Key is the first major rewards program for vacation rentals — a differentiator that attracts more travelers and drives more demand for you. To stand out, enhance your listing with professional photos, headlines, and property descriptions — and ensure your rates and calendar are accurate and competitive.



Optimize your listing

Transportation & activities

One Key offers a host of benefits for every type of travel and every trip element.


Members earn airline miles and OneKeyCash at the same time, making your own airline rewards program even more valuable to travelers.

Car rentals

Your price points are ideal for members to both earn and redeem OneKeyCash faster — meaning more bookings for you.


Members can earn rewards through your cruise rewards program and OneKeyCash with the same booking, reinforcing the benefits of your own program.


Price points for activities help members earn faster and are the ideal trip element for redeeming OneKeyCash, which promotes more bookings of activities and airport transfers.

Are you a transportation or activity partner?

To encourage valuable One Key members to book with you, offer them
special promotions with fenced Members Only Deals. Contact your account
manager to get started.

A travel rewards program that delivers results

See how our partners tap into the many advantages of One Key.

Frequently asked questions

One Key is the most comprehensive travel rewards program we've ever created. Bringing Expedia,, and Vrbo together within a single travel suite, One Key gives members the freedom to be rewarded any way they travel — on eligible flights, car rentals, hotels, vacation rentals, and more. Learn more about the traveler benefits of the program on, Expedia, and Vrbo.

Previously, Expedia Group had separate travel rewards programs for Expedia and and no rewards program for Vrbo. These individual programs used different reward structures and didn’t provide the ability to earn and use rewards between the two. One Key replaces Expedia Rewards and Rewards and introduces a first-ever rewards program to Vrbo.


Not only can travelers earn rewards with our three brands — Expedia,, and Vrbo — they also can earn across different trip products, too: eligible hotels, vacation rentals, car rentals, flights, cruises, and more. One Key also introduces OneKeyCash, the new rewards currency travelers can earn as a percentage of purchases, which can then be used to discount eligible future travel when booking on Expedia,, and Vrbo.* One Key brings Expedia,, and Vrbo under one simple, easy-to-use, and flexible travel rewards program. 

One Key launched in the U.S. in July 2023, with additional markets to follow starting this year. Our other travel rewards programs will remain in place in any market where One Key has yet to launch.

No, partners are automatically included as part of this change. Hotel, transport, and activities partners can use the tactics mentioned on this page to further encourage One Key members to book with them. Any offers you’re using to attract One Key members, such as Members Only Deals, in-stay perks, and being a VIP Access property, will automatically transfer to One Key and One Key members.

OneKeyCash redemption is only available to properties using USD currency and those not integrated with property management software.

Travelers can learn more about One Key on each travel brand's website:, Expedia, and Vrbo.

*OneKeyCash is not redeemable for cash and can only be used on Expedia,, and Vrbo.

**On average compared to non-members. Expedia Group internal data, 2023